– Ranking of Kings (Ōsama Ranking) tells the heartwarming story of Bojji, a young prince who is deaf and physically weak. Despite his disabilities and the doubts of those around him, Bojji dreams of becoming the greatest king in the world. The series follows his journey as he overcomes adversity, learns from his experiences, and proves his worth through courage and kindness.   

Bojji: A Symbol of Resilience and Kindness

Bojji is a truly inspiring protagonist. Despite being mocked and underestimated due to his inability to speak or hear and his lack of physical strength, he possesses an incredibly kind heart and an unwavering determination. He communicates through sign language and facial expressions, conveying a range of emotions that resonate deeply with viewers. His journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of inner strength.   

A World of Kings and Rankings

The world of Ranking of Kings is built around a system where kings are ranked based on their achievements, strength, and the prosperity of their kingdoms. This ranking system adds a competitive element to the story, as Bojji strives to climb the ranks and prove himself worthy of the crown.   

Exploring Themes of Family, Friendship, and Overcoming Adversity

The series explores themes of family, friendship, and overcoming adversity with a heartwarming touch. Bojji’s relationship with Kage, a shadow creature who becomes his loyal companion and friend, is a central aspect of the story. The series also delves into the complexities of royal families and the challenges of leadership.   

A Visually Appealing and Emotionally Resonant Story

Ranking of Kings features a distinctive art style that is both charming and expressive. The animation is fluid and dynamic, bringing the characters and their emotions to life. The series is not afraid to explore darker themes, but it always balances them with moments of warmth, humor, and hope.   

A Must-Watch for All Ages

Ranking of Kings is a truly special anime that appeals to viewers of all ages. Its heartwarming story, inspiring characters, and beautiful animation make it a truly memorable experience. The series’ message about the importance of kindness, perseverance, and believing in oneself resonates deeply, making it a powerful and uplifting tale. It’s a story that reminds us that true strength comes not just from physical power, but from the strength of one’s heart and spirit.